Celebrating outstanding contributions to the financial planning profession, globally: inaugural FPSB award recipient announced

DENVER, COLO – 19 October 2023 – Financial Planning Standards Board Ltd. (FPSB), the nonprofit standards-setting body for the global financial planning profession, is pleased to announce the inaugural recipient of a new award designed to recognize individuals for their outstanding contributions to the global financial planning profession.

The recipient of the FPSB Outstanding Contribution to the Profession Award, announced today at the FPSB Global Meeting 2023 in Singapore, is former FPSB CEO Noel Maye.

Founder of FPSB, Maye dedicated his career to the advancement of the global financial planning profession serving in the role of CEO for 20 years and previously as Senior Vice President of Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. (CFP Board) for 7 years.

Dante De Gori

“I can’t think of a more deserving person for this award,” said FPSB CEO Dante De Gori, CFP. “Noel has been a pioneer in the global financial planning profession. He was instrumental in taking CFP certification international, helping financial planning professionals around the world gain valuable skills and knowledge to enhance their practice and achieve excellence in financial planning through rigorous professional standards and ethics. His remarkable contributions to the profession are still being realized today and have set the stage for it to propel forward in the years to come.”

During Maye’s tenure as FPSB CEO, he led the way in establishing, upholding and promoting professional standards in financial planning across the world with the introduction of CFP certification into multiple new territories. Maye departed FPSB having doubled the number of CFP professionals globally, to over 213,000 worldwide at year-end 2022, and expanded FPSB’s programs into 27 territories.

To uphold excellence in the practice of financial planning, Maye led the development of competency, ethics, practice standards and certification requirements and introduced the first Global Financial Planner Competency Profile.

In addition, position papers and practice guidance notes including Regulation and Oversight of the Financial Planning Profession (2010); Fintech and the Future of Financial Planning (2016); Consumer Protection and Investment Advisor, Financial Advisor and Financial Planner Competency and Oversight in Europe (2018); and Advising Vulnerable Clients (2019) were published to benefit the global financial planning community and protect the public.

To raise public awareness, he spearheaded global research on the value of financial planning and initiatives to support consumer understanding of financial planning and investor protection including the introduction of World Financial Planning Day in partnership with IOSCO’s World Investor Week.

“I am honored, and humbled, by the FPSB Board’s decision to confer me with its inaugural Outstanding Contribution to the Profession Award,” said former FPSB CEO Noel Maye. “It has been my privilege to have collaborated for three decades with the FPSB Board, Network and team, as well as with CFP professionals around the world, to promote the value of financial planning and CFP certification, and to establish financial planning as a respected global profession.”

Ensuing this award of recognition to Noel Maye, the award will be renamed and presented as the FPSB Noel Maye Outstanding Achievement Award in following years.

Nominees for this award must be individuals who have been instrumental in advancing the global financial planning profession and CFP certification in support of FPSB’s vision and mission; demonstrated their commitment to advancing the global financial planning profession and CFP certification through a long-standing history with FPSB; developed and/or inspired key stakeholders to develop or adopt FPSB’s financial planning standards and/or CFP certification at the local, regional or global level; and advocated for and enhanced the reputation of the financial planning profession and CFP certification.

Nominations for next year’s FPSB Noel Maye Outstanding Achievement Award will open in early 2024, with the recipient announced at the FPSB Global Meeting in October 2024.

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