The Society of Women in Urologic Oncology (WUO) has named Amy Luckenbaugh, MD, assistant professor of Urology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, to chair its Executive Board until Nov. 2025.
She is the inaugural chair of the WUO, whose core objective is to advance the recruitment, retention and promotion of women in urologic oncology with the goal of fostering diversity, equity and inclusion within the Society of Urologic Oncology (SUO).
“To be nominated and elected at this stage of her career symbolizes the impact that Dr. Luckenbaugh has made in urologic oncology as well as the advancement of women in this formerly male-exclusive specialty,” said Sam S. Chang, MD, chief of VUMC’s Division of Urologic Oncology and chief surgical officer for the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center.
“Her sense of inclusiveness and her drive to improve patient care and outcomes have set her apart. We are all incredibly fortunate to work with her and are very proud of her,” he said.
The WUO informally started in 2015, formally started meeting in 2019, and had its bylaws approved by the Society of Urologic Oncology Board in 2022. It has already funded a travel grant and an award for the best scientific abstract.
“I am incredibly honored to have been elected as chair of the Women in Urologic Oncology executive committee,” Luckenbaugh said.
“We have made tremendous progress in the field with a 10% increase in female fellowship applicants since 2017 (3% to 13%). Without the informal breakfast meetings that began in 2015, and development of a formal executive committee, this would not be possible. I am looking forward to serving on the executive committee for the next two years, and thrilled to be doing so aside one of my partners at Vanderbilt, Dr. Ruchi Talwar,” she said.
Talwar, MD, a urologic oncology fellow, is an elected member of WUO’s first Executive Committee.
“The WUO is really the first of its kind within a urologic subspecialty and Dr. Luckenbaugh is truly the perfect person to lead the organization,” Talwar said. “Her dedication to formalizing the pipeline for female leaders in our field is unwavering. I am honored to serve on the board under her leadership.”
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