June 12: World Day Against Child Labour

Estimated read time 2 min read

Today, June 12, marks the World Day Against Child Labour, a day dedicated to raising awareness about the millions of children worldwide who are forced into labour, depriving them of a proper childhood and education. This year’s theme, “Let’s Act on Our Commitments: End Child Labour,” emphasizes the urgent need for collective action to eradicate child labour.

Child labour refers to work that is unsuitable and harmful for children, affecting their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Despite global efforts, many children are still subjected to exploitative labour due to poverty and social injustice.

The Indian Constitution prohibits children under 14 from working in mines or hazardous occupations. Similarly, the International Labour Organization (ILO) states that children under 18 should not be involved in labour or hazardous work.

Since 1987, the Indian central government has enforced a National Policy on Child Employment, focusing on rehabilitating children and adolescents engaged in labour. This policy encourages collaboration among governments, employers, workers, civil society, and individuals to create a world free from child labour.

As we observe the World Day Against Child Labour, it serves as a reminder that children deserve pens in their hands, not tools. It is a call to action for everyone to work together to ensure that every child can enjoy their right to a safe and healthy childhood.

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