How To Overcome From Overthinking

Estimated read time 2 min read

17/07/2024- Many people walk away from conversations feeling uncertain, replaying the interaction in their minds and questioning if they said the right things. This habit of overthinking can lead to significant stress and anxiety, often making it difficult to live in the present. Overthinking involves ruminating on past events, imagining worst-case scenarios, and second-guessing decisions. This constant barrage of thoughts can overwhelm individuals, preventing them from moving forward.

Overthinking, fueled by anxiety and worry, differs from normal decision-making processes. While it’s common to ponder situations to make informed choices, overthinking can cause paralysis, making it impossible to decide or progress. Chronic overthinkers may continuously rehash past conversations, second-guess decisions, and envision disastrous outcomes, trapping themselves in a cycle of worry.

Metacognitive clinical psychologist, Professor Carbonell, notes that excessive overthinking can lead to symptoms such as insomnia, trouble concentrating, and loss of energy. These symptoms often result in further worry, creating a vicious cycle that can lead to chronic anxiety or depression. In seeking solutions, many turn to strategies that may inadvertently worsen the problem. For example, some individuals spend hours seeking reassurance online, which often leads to increased anxiety rather than relief.

However, there are ways to combat overthinking and regain control. One effective strategy is to engage actively in physical activities and real-world tasks, reducing the time spent dwelling on thoughts. Moderate planning and maintaining a calendar can help, but excessive planning may exacerbate overthinking. Experts suggest that rather than trying to suppress certain thoughts, acknowledging and redirecting them towards constructive actions can be more beneficial.

Overcoming overthinking requires recognizing the pattern and actively working towards breaking the cycle. By focusing on present activities and limiting the time spent on ruminations, individuals can reduce anxiety and regain control over their thoughts, leading to a calmer and more balanced life.

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