Thomas DiMaggio’s Newly Released A Winter Way of Life

Thomas DiMaggio’s Newly Released A Winter Way of Life

Candia, NH, March 12, 2024 — “A Winter Way of Life”: a compelling narrative that captures the essence of a complex sport and family traditions. “A Winter Way of Life” is the creation of published author, Thomas DiMaggio, a dedicated husband, father, and grandfather who has been the chairman of the New Hampshire State Trails Advisory Committee for thirty-plus years, which oversees the New Hampshire trails off-road usage. He is the past president of the New England Sled Dog Club. He is also presently the president of the New Hampshire Mushers Association, whose job is to keep trails in New Hampshire open for sled dog use.

DiMaggio shares, “’A Winter Way of Life’ is the true story of our family spending forty-five-plus winters racing and training sled dogs. These are some of the true stories and problems that are part of the sport of running sled dogs. When you stand on a wooden sled, and there are rows of dogs running in unison, where the only sounds are the soft sound of the dogs’ feet hitting the snow and of the runner sliding along the snow, you get lost in the world. You are on top of the world, as nothing can bother you as the dogs pull you through this wonderland. The leaders that you put your faith in need no commands to keep you safe on your journey. I need to thank my wife, who put up with me and all the things I put her through, some good and some just bad. To my wife, my family, and all my friends who made this possible, this book is for you.”

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