Author Kimmee Masi’s New Book Max Miles

Author Kimmee Masi’s New Book Max Miles

Freehold, NJ, March 19, 2024 –Kimmee Masi, an accomplished artist in both the music and baking industries, has completed her new book “Max Miles: The Adventures at Judgment Nation”: a compelling work in which Max begins his journey aboard a pirate ship that once sailed in the 1800s. Bewildered as to how he arrived at such a place, Max with his inquisitive nature makes this a perfect fit. He encounters magical and mystical beings along the way, all the while surprising himself with his newfound confidence.

As owner of Confections of a RockStar Bakery in Asbury Park, New Jersey, author Kimmee Masi uses her skills and creativity to provide customers with the ultimate multi-sensational experience. After surviving a life-threatening car accident in 1994, Kimmee was afforded the time to expand her creativity into the craft of writing. Not only did she compose more than thirty original songs, but she also began her journey in creating Max Miles. Having been bullied as a child herself, Kimmee felt Max come alive while writing this book. Today, Kimmee focuses her efforts on her bakery and continues to write about Max’s adventures in her spare time.

Kimmee writes, “At the age of eleven, Max, a bright boy, had wished and dreamt about many things—for example, how nice it would be to hang with the cool kids, maybe have a girlfriend, or even be invited to a party. But the reality was that he had become a victim of the school bullies. Max had endured more nasty comments on a daily basis than anyone else in the fifth grade at Forrest Elementary School. He was the center of attention for their childhood pranks, such as being shoved in a locker far removed from a classroom so no one could hear him scream for help, and the worst was ‘decorate the moron,’ where he was rushed by so many kids who put stickers with nasty sayings all over his jacket.”

She continues, “Just like the rooms of other kids, the four walls of his bright blue bedroom were covered with posters of famous rock bands and actors. Yesterday’s clothing and video games were scattered about the floor. The only difference between Max’s room and the bedrooms of other children was its sadness. The sadness and misery contained within these walls became an explosion waiting to happen.”

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