Rachael KraMer’s Newly Released Happy, Healthy, Healed And Want the Same for You

Rachael KraMer’s Newly Released Happy, Healthy, Healed And Want the Same for You

Andover, MN, February 14, 2024 –“Happy, Healthy, Healed And Want the Same for You”: an empowering message of hope and comfort for others facing a similar path. “Happy, Healthy, Healed And Want the Same for You” is the creation of published author, Rachael KraMer, a registered nurse and a licensed holistic healthcare practitioner. After the loss of her two-month-old daughter, she decided to go into nursing inspired by the care that her nurses showed her during the loss of her child. Connect with Rachael at shekinahwellness.com.

KraMer shares, “Rachael KraMer is on fire in this book, using her past experiences to drive real, actionable, and astounding methods to holistically improve your health.

“When Rachael was a young teen going through her healing crisis, she wasn’t sure how to heal. Without family support, she was thrown into the ‘system,’ and when that system failed her, she floundered until she discovered her path…her own wellness journey.

“This inspiring, must-have book includes personal experiences and effective strategies for optimal health that are simple and applicable. The pages chronicle where she came from and where God has brought her to be after growing up in deep dysfunction and experiencing alcoholism, abuse, divorce, foster homes, homelessness, loss of a child, depression, and anxiety. One day, she found solace and safety in this verse:

“I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.…Many, O LORD my God, are the wonders you have done. (Ps. 40)

“Rachael’s journey shows us how she has experienced healing, joy, love, cherished memories, great relationships, growth, change, a wonderful husband, kids, and grandkids, and brings her to a place where she can say that ‘only because of the grace of God can I say I am who I am. God is so good. He can use our bad experiences and turn them into a beautiful thing. He uses our trials to teach us perseverance and strengthen us.’

“This book is a must-read for both professionals for use in their practices and individuals for their personal health journeys.

“If anyone out there feels ‘I can’t,’ I’m here to tell you ‘God can.’”

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